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藝術家駐村期間的創作計劃必須涉及年度主題。 在高雄駐村85日期間,藝術家必須完成交流與合作計劃,例如:開放式工作室、藝術家座談、在地文史踏查之旅,於駐村結束前舉辦最終駐村成果發表。 除了完成駐村成果展,藝術家還需要策辦美學工作坊、學術交流、社區參與等教育計劃。

The creation plans during the artists stay in Taiwan must involve the annual topic of the ocean. During 85 days residence at Kaohsiung, PAIR artists are required to finish the communication and cooperation plan, join PAIR common event such open studio, artist talk, local historical tour etc. , then organize their final exhibition at Pier-2 Art Center. In addition to the final exhibition, artists are also required to organize the workshop, academic exchange, education programs, community empowerment, etc.


Beyond your expectation >

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Not only exploring the city or doing art at Pier-2, we invite you to LIVE with and EXCHANGE yourself to local community by joining Open Studio, Artist Talk, Workshop, and historical tours...


< To conclude your PAIR journey


During 85 days, "ART" is the only thing you need to think of, concentrate with, and work on. PAIR is at your side to assist and work together with you to tell stories you've known here.

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