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About Pier-2


Art Center

駁二藝術特區,係指高雄港區第二號接駁碼頭。 建於1973年,原為一般的港口倉庫,由於城市由重工業轉型為觀光服務業,在過去幾十年間,它一度成為被時間遺忘並閒置的倉庫。 2006年,高雄市政府文化局接管了駁二藝術特區。 駁二藝術特區擁有一群頑強的藝術家,為這塊土地注入創造力和靈感,因而重生,成為遊客和在地居民聚在一起欣賞藝術的地方,隨著老社區與藝術相互碰撞火花,駁二由此蛻變成為一個充滿活力的藝術特區。 駁二藝術特區將自己定位為一個國際交流的平台,面向前衛,實驗和創意,以開放的心態歡迎來自世界各地的創作者。

Pier-2 refers to Pier No. 2 in Basin No. 3 of Kaohsiung Harbor. It was built in 1973 as a common port warehouse. It was once an abandoned and forgotten warehouse buried in history due to the move from an industrial based segment to the service sector.

The Kaohsiung City Bureau of Cultural Affairs took over the Pier-2 Art Center in 2006. 
With a group of persistent artist who injected waves of creativity and inspiration into the area, the Pier-2 area was released and re-born making the region a place where tourist and locals can come together to enjoy fine art. With the collision of an old area and new fine art, Pier-2 becomes an art area of new vitality and liveliness.  

Pier-2 Art Center positions itself as an international art platform in Taiwan, Pier-2 Art Center is oriented to avant-garde, experiment, and originality where is always open mind to welcome creators from all over the world.

About PAIR
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Pier-2 Art Center is a cross-domain art center where is the most iconic modern art stage in Southern Taiwan and is devoted to the cultivation of potential artists and designers. Following the tradition of the past industries such as commercial harbor, iron, and steel, shipbuilding, Pier-2 Art Center holds activities related to these industries' characteristics. 
By receiving artists from all over the world and from the different domain, Pier-2 Artists in Residence program was established in 2015, which aims to bring in more infinitely creative and experimental works and strengthen the artistic spirits in the extreme.

The international artists apply PAIR project by Open-call via online every May to August, then passing through the committee selection. We are welcome 25-30 artists every year from all over the world to join and play art at Pier-2 Art Center.

為了接待來自世界各地和不同領域的藝術家,駁二藝術家進駐計劃(PAIR) 於2015年成立,旨在帶來更多無限創意和充滿實驗性的作品,強化高雄藝術人文的精神。

駁二藝術家進駐計畫 (PAIR) 每年3月至8月透過線上公開徵件的方式徵選海內外藝術家,通過外聘委員會選擇年度進駐創作者,每年接待約25位藝術家加入PAIR執行創作計畫。

PAIR Program

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